Hi there! 

We’re a family of families, a community of disciples, who seek to follow Jesus in Joburg, the city of grace. From early days in a member’s home in 2006 we’ve grown into a multi-cultural and multi-generational congregation that meets at Roosevelt High School in Randburg and Curro Rivonia in Sandton.

In light of the measures set in place by President Ramaphosa to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our country, our Sunday services will be moving online for the foreseeable future. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel to join us for our services at 9:30 and 17:00 respectively. We will also be posting other support content from time to time.

Our focus remains, in the words of Pastor Heinrich Titus, senior leader of Shofar: …”to strengthen existing relationships and to build new ones, as well as for every believer in each of our congregations to engage in meaningful and sustainable discipleship rhythms that can outlast any dependency we might have developed on buildings or programmes.” This is not the time to isolate ourselves. This is a time to draw close, intentionally pursue fellowship (even if this happens online), and pray.
According to the guidelines from the apostolic team:

  1. We recognise the need of our members for fellowship and spiritual nourishment and therefore encourage responsible gathering in private meetings such as small groups until otherwise advised.
  2. Please connect with us via our Facebook and Instagram pages, where we will be posting ideas of how to continue ministering the gospel and giving out important information of our existing ministry rhythms.
  3. Meetings in small groups may continue, but use wisdom where the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions may be affected, in which case it may be best to revise your small group plan. Perhaps you can divide your small group into smaller groups who can meet on different nights of the week or you could meet virtually with software like Zoom. We trust your discretion in this matter.
  4. The elderly and people with pre-existing conditions should be encouraged to stay safe and exercise discretion in attending any meetings.
  5. When you go to the shop, please think of adding a few non-perishables and basic toiletries to your trolley that you can drop off at the office. We will serve the vulnerable with food parcels in the days ahead.
  6. It remains important to us to meet the needs of the congregation, so if you need someone to talk to, please contact Rochelle at the office or your small group facilitator.

Let us love one another by checking up on one another and making sure no one falls through the cracks, but that everyone regularly attends both SG and Sunday services, even if this now happens online. Please make sure that those who do not have access to the internet can still participate in the meetings. As the church, let us endeavour to inspire great faith in a time of great fear.
Hennie & Rochelle